The 21st Century COE Program "Usage-Based Linguistic Informatics"(2002-2006)

Speech Research

Speech Research

Linguistic speech, which forms the Fundamental Language Level, is cross-linguistically researched from the perspectives of phonetics and phonology and the research results are applied to the TUFS Language Modules.

Speech Research
March 2004 Working Papers in Linguistic Informatics 1: TUFS Language Modules
Paper published on the development of the IPA and Pronunciation Modules
October 2004 Working Papers in Linguistic Informatics 4: Cross-linguistic Speech Research—Speech Outline & Prosodic Analysis
Paper published on speech outlines for 11 languages and multilingual prosodic analysis
December 2005 Linguistic Informatics IV: Prosody and Sentence Structures,
Collected papers of prosodic analysis of several languages, English, German, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Indonesian, Turkish