id 音声 発音表記 英訳取得件数:26件
1 ɣ̌anʣ storehouse in the back side of a house
2 ɣ̌ar 1)stone 2)stone wall (of field)
3 ɣ̌arɣ̌araš cosmos?
4 ɣ̌aš quarrel
5 ɣ̌aṣ̌ 1) mouth 2) door at the front side of boxari
6 ɣ̌aṣ̌ gar woʦn to get foot and mouth disease
7 ɣ̌aṣ̌ gin a top, cap
9 ɣ̌ef fireplace
10 ɣ̌er wool
11 ɣ̌eṣ̌ male (animal)
12 ɣ̌irn / ɣ̌ir- 1) to wander 2) to go around 3)to fall down, collapse
13 ɣ̌irvetk hem, pp. of {v{ extgamma}}ir{ extbaru}vn
14 ɣ̌irʉvn 1)to turn sth over 2)to wind 3) to go around
15 ɣ̌iṣ̌ ear
16 ɣ̌iṣ̌ kṭak to listen carefully
18 ɣ̌tetk, ɣ̌itetk 1)arrived 2)adult
19 ɣ̌un makeshift bag with a hem of clothes
20 ɣ̌urtn / ɣ̌urt- 1) to roll up, to wrap 2) to collect
21 ɣ̌uv clay shelf for grain (in {v{ extgamma}}an extbottomtiebar{dz})
22 ɣ̌uz wood, firewood
23 ɣ̌uð thief
24 ɣ̌ʉlk water storage (stone-walled and covered with wooden roof)
25 ɣ̌ʉw 1) cattle 2) cow (over 5 yrs)
26 ɣ̌ʉw xṣ̌ak to milk