
Step1 : 天気や日時の表し方 (it を使った文)

It's raining.
It's snowing.
It's hot.
It's cold.
It's warm.
It's cool.
(涼しい。 )
It's sunny.
(晴れています。 )
It's cloudy.
It's a nice day today.
What time is it? ― It's three o'clock.
(何時ですか? ― 3時です。)
It's two ten.
It's ten past two.  /  It's ten after two.
It's three fifty-five.
( 3時55分です。)
It's five to four.
What day (of the week) is it today? ― It's Monday.
(きょうは何曜日ですか? ― 月曜日です。)