
  • What? You've got to be kidding me!
  • You've got to be kidding me!
    "you've got to be kidding me"は"this is unbelievable"の意味。「冗談でしょう/信じられない」
  • Why? What's wrong?
  • It's $4.99!
  • Oh, the gas price? Yeah. They said it was gonna go up this week.
  • gas
    it was gonna go up
    "it was gonna go up"は"it was going to rise"の意味。「上昇する予定だ」
  • Again? They can't keep doing this.
  • Every week it goes up by 10 or 12 cents.
  • 10 or 12 cents
  • At this rate I'm gonna be broke soon.
  • gonna be broke
    "gonna be broke"は"going to be bankrupt"の意味。「破産するだろう」
  • Yeah. Doesn't it really make you jealous of people who drive hybrids?
  • Yeah
    "hybrids"は"hybrid cars"の意味。ガソリンと電気の両方で走る車のこと。「ハイブリッド車」
  • Tell me about it.
  • Tell me about it.
    "tell me about it"は"that is very true"の意味。「全くその通り」
  • Those things get like 60 miles a gallon.
  • 60 miles
    a gallon
  • Should've bought one.
  • Yeah. Should've bought one when I still had money, before the oil companies stole it all.

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