Carol, hold on!
Oh, hey, Pete. What's up?
Great news
. John's parents have a house by the beach and they're letting him use it this weekend.
Great news
"great news"の部分は米英語版では “awesome news”となっている。"awesome"という語は英英語よりも米英語でよく使われる。イギリス英語では、大げさな形容詞をあまり使わない。
He's having
a load
of people over.
a load
"a load"は"a lot"の意味。「大勢の」
I'm gonna stay at the house all weekend with John, and I just wanted to see if you'd like to come too.
Wow. That sounds cool.
Um. I'm going out to dinner tonight with my friends, but maybe I could come over on Saturday, just for the day.
Cool. It's going to be a great day.
The house is right by the beach.
Let me give you directions.
Well, I'm in
a bit of
a rush right now.
a bit of
英英語では"a bit of"などを付けて名詞を柔らかく表現することがよくある。
Could I just
call you on Saturday morning
and get the information?
call you on Saturday morning
"call you on Saturday morning"米英語版では前置詞"on"は使っていないが、英英語では使われる。
Oh, sure. Yeah. Just call me on Saturday then.
I'll have my
. Try to
get over
"mobile"は「携帯電話」の意味。米英語では"cell phone"。
get over
"get over"は"arrive"の意味。「~に来る/着く」
We're going to have a big barbeque on the beach around lunchtime.
OK. That sounds cool.
Anyway, I
go. See you later.
"gotta"は"got to"の意味。「~しなくてはいけない」
Yeah, see you.
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