Oh no! I've left my bag in PE class and I don't have time to get it before our social studies test.
PE class
:"PE class"は学校の体育の授業。
social studies
:"social studies"は学校の社会科の授業。
Relax. I've got extras in my pencil case that you can borrow. But you owe me!
Sure! At lunch time, come to the tuck shop and I'll buy you whatever you want.
tuck shop
:"tuck shop"は学校内で軽食を売る店。「購買」
Okay, I'll lend you the stuff you need and you owe me…um…an ice block and some lollies.
ice block
:"ice block"は"popsicle"のこと。「アイスキャンディ」
Sweet. You got a deal.
:"sweet"は"very good"の意味。
So what do you need for the test?
Everything! Um, a clutch pencil and a rubber…
clutch pencil
:"clutch pencil"は"mechanical pencil"のこと。「シャーペン」
Anything else?
…I probably need a biro and some twink, too.
:"biro"は"ball-point pen"のこと。「ボールペン」
:"twink"は"correction fluid"のこと。「修正液」
No worries.
Right, better get to class, aye.
Don’t wanna be late!
Too right - let's go.
Too right
:"Too right"は相手に賛意を表す時の返事。