- Eh Mimi.
- Do you know how to make rendang ah?
- Of course lah.
- I make it every Raya.
- Is it your own recipe?
- I use my mother’s recipe.
- Why? You want me to make for you?
You want me to make for you?
:"You want me to make for you?"は"Do you want me to make it for you?"の意味。「私がそれ(料理)をあなたのために作りましょうか」
You want me to make for you?
:"You want me to make for you?"は、英英語・米英語では"Do you want me to make it for you?"となる。"make"は他動詞なので本来、目的語をとるが、マレーシア英語では他動詞が目的語をとらないことがある。
- Can ah?
Can ah?
:"Can ah?"は"Can you (make it for me)?"の意味。前述の内容を省略して"Can"と間投詞を使って確認を求める表現を作ることができる。「作ってくれるの?」
- My wife’s friends are visiting from Japan
- and she want to invite them over for dinner.
she want to invite them
:"she want to invite them"は英英語・米英語では"she wants to invite them"となる。マレーシア英語では、主語が3人称単数であっても一般動詞の原形に-s/esを付けないことがある。
- Oh I see. I can give you the recipe,
- or if you want, I can come over and help you.
- Just tell me when.
- Really ah? Nice lah! They will be here for dinner on Saturday.
- So can you come over in the morning and help my wife make it?
- And what else I should make?
And what else I should make?
:"And what else I should make?"は"And what else should I make?"の意味。「他には何をつくるべきかな」
- Actually, it’s better to make it a day before.
- It will taste much nicer.
- And you can make some rice and cucumber salad to go with it.
- Sounds good wei.
- So how about we go to the market on Friday morning?
So how about we go to the market on Friday morning?
:"So how about we go to the market on Friday morning? "は"So shall we go to the market on Friday morning?"の意味。「金曜日の朝に市場に行きませんか」
- After that we go to my place, then we make the rendang.
- Can can! I’ll help you cook.
Can can!
:"Can can!"は"Sure!"の意味。「もちろん!」
- Sui lah!
- See you on Friday.
- Thank you ah, Mimi.