Did you make that
bara brith
bara brith
"bara brith"はウェールズ語で「班目状のパン」という意味のお菓子で、ドライフルーツが多く入っているフルーツケーキのこと。「バラブリス」
Yes, I did.
I really fancy making some, but I've… I've never tried.
Oh it's easy,
it is
it is
"it is"のように文尾に主語と動詞を置くことがウェールズ英語では見られることがある。コーパス言語学で言うところの「焦点前置」と呼ばれるもので、前述の主語と動詞を強調する。
First you have to make sure you've got all your ingredients.
Dried fruit, sugar, flour, eggs, mixed spices - is that it?
More or less,
but you are missing the most important ingredient!
What's that?
Cold tea!
Cold tea!?
You're having me on.
You're having me on.
"You're having me on."は"I think you are joking with me."の意味。「あなたは私に冗談を言っている」
No, honestly. You soak the fruit and sugar in the… in the cold tea overnight.
It makes the fruit plump up,
you see
you see
ウェールズ英語で何かを説明あるいは描写する際、文尾に"you see"あるいは"see"を加えることがある。
And the cake will taste much better if you do it like that.
Well, I do wanna be authentic, like.
And then what?
Well, the next day, stir in the egg first,
um, then you add the flour and the spice,
and you bake it for about an hour at 180 degrees.
Got it. I'll get started.
It's a pity it takes so long though.
I'd love to have some now.
Well, you can have some of mine in the meantime.
Aww… lovely,
"diolch"は"thank you"の意味。「ありがとう」
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