Hello. How was your day?
Pretty good. You?
It was okay.
But there's something I need to talk to you about…
Okay. Is everything alright?
Um. Listen. I was cleaning today,
and I accidentally knocked over your vase
and it fell and broke.
Oh. The blue one?
Yeah. I'm..I'm really sorry.
I know you really like that vase.
Oh, don't worry about it, it's alright.
I feel terrible
, I do
, I do
"I do."のように文尾に主語と動詞を置くことがウェールズ英語では見られることがある。コーパス言語学で言うところの「焦点前置」と呼ばれるもので、前述の主語と動詞を強調する。
Oh,you didn't mean to break it.
Things like that happen all the time.
Oh…where did you get it?
Maybe I could buy you another one.
No honestly. Don't worry about it.
I have too many vases anyway.
We'll just use another one.
Are you sure?
Yeah. No worries.
Stop stressing.
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