Hey, Carol. Come here for a minute, please.
Well, Bob. What's up?
I wanna introduce you to our new employee.
This is Patrick.
Patrick, this is Carol, the restaurant manager.
Hi Carol. It's nice to meet you.
Hi! Nice to meet you, too.
I've heard a lot about you from Bob.
We're really excited to have you working here.
Wow, that's so nice to hear. Thanks.
I'm so excited to be here.
Patrick is just meeting everyone today, and he'll start training tomorrow.
I'm hoping you can show him around a little and get him used to where everything is.
There's no rush. I want him to get to know everyone he'll be working with.
Sure, I'd be happy to.
So Patrick, you've worked in restaurants before, right?
That's right. I've been
waiting tables
for years.
waiting tables
"wait tables"は"serve"で、「(レストランなどで)給仕する」という意味。「ウェーターとして働く」
How long have you worked here?
Almost six years. It's a great place to work.
I think you're going to like it!
I think so, too!
Come on Patrick. I'll introduce you to the others.
Okay. Bye Carol. It was great meeting you.
You too. See you later!
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