So, why do you think you'd
make a good employee
make a good employee
"make a good employee"は "be a good employee"の意味。「いい従業員になる」
Well, I've worked in several restaurants before. Here's a résumé listing my experience.
I see. Do you have a lot of experience with cooking?
Yes, preparing dishes was part of my job at the last restaurant I worked in.
Well, in this role, you'd be doing a lot of the cooking by yourself, with no help.
Do you think you're qualified for that?
I think so. I've taken several advanced cooking classes.
Good. We'll train you on our methods, of course.
That's great. I'm looking forward to learning more about your menu.
You may also be required to work at the cash register when we're busy. Have you done that before?
Oh, yes, many times.
That's great. How about bartending?
I don't have much experience bartending. I know how to make a
Bloody Caesar
but that's about it.
Bloody Caesar
"Bloody Caesar"はカナダ特有のカクテル。「ブラディー・シーザー」 ウォッカと「クラマトジュース」(Clamato juice、ハマグリ(clam)のエキスとトマトジュースを配合したカナダの伝統的なの飲み物)とスパイスを混ぜたもの。
I'd be very willing to learn, though.
All right. We'll start you off cooking, and train you on bartending if we need you.
That sounds fine.
Great, so we'll call you by the end of the week to let you know.
Thanks very much!
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