- Hey! Sorry I'm late.
- No, no, I just got here too.
- I got you a double-double.
:"double-double"は"a coffee with two creams and two sugars"の意味。「クリームと砂糖が二つずつ入ったコーヒー」カナダではポピュラーなコーヒーの飲み方。
- Hope that's okay.
- Thanks. You know me too well.
- Wow, that's a nice watch!
- Did someone win the lottery?
Did someone win the lottery?
:"Did somebody win the lottery?"は"Where did you get the money to buy such an expensive item?"を意味する皮肉の表現。「誰か宝くじにでも当たったの?/そんな高価なもの買うお金どこで手に入れたの?」
- Pshh. I wish!
:"pshh"は"what are you talking about"の意味。「何を言ってるんだ」
I wish
:"I wish"は"such a good thing would never happen to me"を意味する皮肉の表現。「そうだったら良いのに」
- How much was it?
- I think it was like 80 bucks.
- Shut up! Where?
Shut up
:"shut up"は"I don't believe you"を意味するカジュアルな言い方。「まさか/うそだ」
- No, I'm serious.
- Lindsay got it when she went to the Eaton Centre on Friday.
Eaton Centre
:Eaton Centreは、トロントの中心部にある大規模なショッピングセンター。("Eaton's"は、"The Bay"と並び、カナダ大手の百貨店チェーンであったが、1999年に倒産。トロントのショッピングセンターにはその名称が残っている。) カナダ英語では、イギリス英語と同様、centreと綴る。アメリカ英語ではcenter。
- Ah, the Boxing Day sale, of course.
Boxing Day
:"Boxing Day" はクリスマスの翌日の12月26日で、カナダでは祭日。大規模なセールが行われるショッピング・デー。
- Did you go?
- Sure did. Didn't get a whole lot though.
a whole lot
:"a whole lot"は"many things"の意味。「たくさん」
- Certainly didn't see any steals like that!
:"steals"は"an item bought at a cheap price"の意味。「掘り出し物」
- I went around 4:00 and the line was already insane.
the line was already insane
:"insane"は"crazy"あるいは"unbelievable"の意味。この会話では"the line was already unbelievably long"の意味。「列が尋常じゃなく長い」
- How early did Lindsay have to get up?
- She didn't.
- She didn't?
- Yeah, she went straight after dinner.
:"straight"は"directly without delay"の意味。「まっすぐに」
- Ah.