TUFS Language Modules

Minggu depan ada cuti bersambung tiga hari.
Next week there's a three-day holiday.
Oh, ya tak ya.
Oh, you're right.
Lupa pulak saya.
I forgot about that.
Ada nak pergi mana-mana ke?
Are you going anywhere?
Saya ingat nak pergi Langkawi la.
I'm thinking about going to Langkawi.
Saya tak pernah sampai lagi ke Langkawi.
I've never been to Langkawi before.
Oh, ya ke?
Oh, really?
Kami dah dua kali ke sana.
We've been there twice already.
Itu pun bawa saudara-mara.
Just taking the relatives there.
Seronok, tak?
Is it fun?
Hmm, boleh tahan tempatnya.
Hmm, the place is not that bad .
Lagipun dekat situ ada jual coklat dengan harga murah.
Also, they sell very cheap chocolate there.
Oh, ya ke?
Oh, really?
Kebetulan saya memang peminat coklat.
Actually, I'm a big fan of chocolate.
Kalau macam tu, bagus la.
Then, that's good.
Boleh beli banyak-banyak nanti.
You can buy a lot of chocolate.
Tengoklah bajet macam mana.
I'll have to take a look at my budget.
Ada lebihan duit nanti pasti saya akan beli borong.
If I have extra money, I'll stock up on chocolate for sure.
Hmm, dah agak dah.
Hmm, just as I imagined.

Place: Cafeteria

Situation: They are talking at the cafeteria.