TUFS Language Modules

Mulai bulan ini saya akan menggantikan Puan Aini.Not sure whether to change it to Miss Aini, can't change it as for english they use the surnames not the first name
Cikgu Aini ke mana, Cikgu Iza?Cikgu means teacher, for english they don’t use the first name they use the surname not the first name
Cikgu Aini telah ditukarkan ke sekolah di pedalaman Sarawak.ditukarkan' the ideal meaning of is 'has been changed to' but for this context it meant transferred.
Saya berasal dari Johor dan sekarang menetap di Seremban.Johor and Seremban is a state in Malaysia
Hobi saya memancing."I like to go on fishing during my free time"
Kita teruskan dengan penolong ketua kelas.not sure if its assistant, its something about a role where someone is assisting the leader "class representative"