
  • Isla, have you been to the new Aldi?
  • Aldi
  • Aye, but I still prefer Asda.
  • Asda
  • Oh, how's that? I like Aldi.
  • I dinnae think the fruit and veg is as good, it's no as fresh.
  • dinnae
    it's no as fresh
    "it's no as fresh"は"it's not as fresh"の意味。「それ程新鮮ではない」
  • I'll keep an eye on that, but it's cheaper!
  • It's nice for a wee change, to get different things.
  • wee
  • My Mrs. says there's mare local meat, and it's cheaper.
  • My Mrs.
    "My Mrs."は"My wife"の意味。「私の妻」
  • I would agree the meat's better, but I don't really buy that.
  • It's good to have a choice.
  • They dae have good offers though, but I still like Asda better.
  • dae

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